Porer lighthouse Kamenjak Premantura
In the beginning, to highlight the dangers of the sea reefs, during the night, people used to make a big fire on the coast . Later its was used to burn coal furnaces that were kept in steel baskets. That was a time of great pirates activities so therefore the pirates used to turn off the fire and turn on it on some other location to confuse the ships which often used to strand and became an easy target to the pirates. Porer (Premantura people say Porel) is large rock without a trace of grass, which was renovated in one of the most beautiful lighthouses of the Adriatic. The current version of the Lighthouse Porer or how Premanturian people say “Lantern”, is built in stone in the 1846th year. It was built by a design of the architect M. Pertsch, who developed the previous Nobile’s project from the 1818th year. Earlier there was a wooden building, which has burned in the 1839th year. At that time, the two lighthouse keepers lived with their families. When the lighthouse Porer was built of stone lighthouse, on the place lived a crew consisted of four keepers. They had to took on and off a light, clean lenses, fill the petroleum, raise the weight – generally maintain the drive. In the cases of strong fog the lighthouse keepers had to turn on a loud acoustic siren. The lighthouse keepers shared six hours on duty and also the crew manager had the similar working schedule.
During the war, the two keepers, both from Premantura, were arrested by the German police on charges for giving a partisans special warning lights. They ended up in a concentration camp and later managed to return home.
In the summer of 1996th year the petroleum was replaced and the light was received by electricity power directly from Premantura.
The light on the – the main bulb is from General Electric 1000 W production, running at 110 V. The height of light is 31.5 meters and reaches up to 25 nautical miles away, as was previously visible up to 17 nautical miles.
Porer lighthouse Kamenjak Premantura
Light characteristics of the lighthouse Porer are three white flashes every fifteen seconds. From the 2000th year the rotary machine, which had previously been powered by weight, has been replaced by electric. Today, there are installed solar panels which charges the batteries. The lighthouse is now automated, supervised by only one lighthouse keeper that is replaced with another every fifteen days. From the 2002nd year there has been introduced a remote control that is made from a base in Split. Straight line between Premantura’s tower and the tower of the lighthouse is at distance of 5 km. Lighthouse keepers have for years been strongly connected to Premantura and Kamenjak and the largest number of lighthouse keepers was recruited precisely from Premantura. Premanturian people regularly follow the situation in and around the islet. A large number of houses had a hand-drawn picture of the lighthouse.
The boat which the lighthouse keepres used to came to the Bay St. Martin, (also known as Polje bay), was always lifted by crane above sea level because the sea waves would not have invaded it. With that the boat, the lighthouse keepers used to fish within – nets, long-lines and traps. In the immediate vicinity of the lighthouse Porer was always a lot of fish. The lightkeepers catch was ussually been drovin to the bay of St. Martin (Polje) where family members or other fishermen would be waiting for the lightkeeprs to took over the catch . The lightkeepers would use their arrival to the shore to pick up the post, newspapers and other necessities. The hardest part was in the winter, not only for heating reasons. Large waves of the Jugo (strong south wind), often reached the window of the building, and sometimes for days disabled the transportation of supplies to the lighthouse. The dramatic event occurred after the hurricane on 11/04/1966. The sea destroyed two boats, a crane and broke into the lower area of the lighthouse. Lighthouse Budija Ivan, Josip Mudronja and Ante Žeravica had to hide in the upper cluster space of the lighthouse. With strong sacrifice and courage they succeed to preserve and maintain the light on the lighthouse and therefore had been honored. In the of summer 2000th year on the lighthouse were arranged two apartments for tourists. In the summer, people seeking solitude and direct contact with nature occupy a lighthouse that has a very checkered history.
In the sea shallows (sea reef) Albanež, there was built a small brick lighthouse without an inch of land, and that simply emerges from the sea. From its constructions time, the light on Albanež was on gas. The light is regulated automatically and from time to time was supposed to change the gas supplies. At the end of the twentieth century on lighthouse Albanež were installed solar panels to provide the necessary light.
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Cape Kamenjak
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